Nervous System Quiz: test your knowledge and put yourself to the test!
When we talk about the nervous system, we are talking about the set of structures and organs that allow the transmission of various signals, which start from and reach the different parts of the body and make it possible to coordinate bodily actions and functions, whether they are voluntary or involuntary, regardless of whether they are physical or psychological. What makes up the nervous system is divided into the brain, the spinal cord, all the sense organs and all the nerves that help the communication that occurs between the aforementioned organs and the remaining parts of the body. The interior of the nervous system is, of course, extremely complex, and is characterised by a central nervous system and a peripheral nervous system, which in turn are subdivided into different components to which certain specificities belong. Information from the entire body and the external environment is synthesised and processed especially in the spinal cord and brain, where the most appropriate reactions are then planned and sent. For example, the brain's responsibilities include the functions of thinking, memory, movement capacity, comprehension, language, but also the voluntary and involuntary movements that are enacted. Like when you put your hand over a burning flame and, perceiving the possible danger to your body, you withdraw it without even realising it, here the brain has performed its task. The brain has responsibilities that are vital for human beings, such as regulating the heartbeat or breathing. It all sounds so complex, but in reality, thanks to the nervous system, everything is automatic and simple, almost surreal. Many degenerative diseases actually affect the nervous system, because by wearing it out, one implicitly deteriorates a person's mental and physical health, for example when describing Parkinson's disease. The nervous system is therefore not only fundamental to the functioning of every human being, but also in need of constant care and stimulation to allow for proper maintenance.