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IQ and Intelligence Tests, measure your IQ!!
IQ tests: free IQ tests online. Measure your IQ with intelligence tests and free IQ tests to take wherever and whenever you want! Take the quizzes!
Why take IQ tests?
Our IQ tests test your intelligence while having fun. By answering our questions you can measure your IQ online completely free.
You too wonder why you should take IQ tests? It's a question many people ask themselves, and the answer is different for everyone! We decided to offer you these IQ tests to give you a moment of enjoyment and to measure your IQ for free. This way you test yourself and keep your mind exercised with questions that will stimulate your brain and make you spend a few minutes of constructive entertainment.
If you are a lover of tests, quizzes, riddles and puzzles you will know very well how important it is to constantly train your mind to prevent it from aging or losing its edge. Our IQ tests are specially designed to assess your IQ and to stimulate your brain to reason and keep fit and trained.
An IQ test is like a game that will allow you to have fun with small challenges that are represented by the questions, just these small challenges will serve to assess your intelligence level in a simple and fun way.
Our intelligence tests are always available online, free of charge, so you can test yourself at any time from any computer, cell phone or tablet.
Our IQ Tests are free and you can take them completely online
Free and completely online IQ tests: that's what we offer you! A smart fun time to test yourself wherever and whenever you want!
We are constantly creating new intelligence tests so we can give you new problems to solve that you can constantly test yourself with. Our quizzes are free and take place online in the classic multiple-choice and question mode.
They are free qi tests so you can give everyone a chance to test their logical, mathematical, problem-solving, etc. skills. They test you in a fun way, so you can keep your brain exercised and stimulate your cognitive skills.
They are online qi tests because this way you can take them from any medium (smartphone, tablet and pc) by simply logging on to our site and completing the quiz until you get your IQ result.
What is IQ?
The IQ is nothing more than a value that serves to indicate, by means of a score, a person's level of intelligence.
For the definition of IQ, we get help from the dictionary from the Treccani, which reads as follows:
Assessment of the type and quality of intelligence, in developmental and adult subjects, obtained by administering tests. Intelligence tests are instruments designed to determine the intelligence possessed by a person as his or her objective characteristic and to measure it quantitatively.
We note right away that we are talking about two fundamental concepts that have been debated for years, which are intelligence and the tests needed to assess it.
In the next section we will go over the first point, which is that of intelligence.
How can we define intelligence?
Intelligence is considered by many as the ability of an individual to effectively solve new and therefore unknown problems.
The only certain thing about the definition of 'intelligence is that there is no one universally shared by the scientific community, however, we can analyze the etymology, and in this helps us wikipedia:
The word intelligènza (s. f.) is derived from the Latin noun intelligentĭa, which in turn comes from the verb intelligĕre, "to understand."
The word intelligĕre is formed from the verb legĕre, "to grasp, gather, read" with the preposition inter, "between" (thus, 'to choose between, to distinguish'); intelligence, therefore, is literally the ability to establish correlations and distinctions between elements (to "read between the lines," as they say).
In 1994, a group of 52 researchers (the Mainstream Science on Intelligence) signed a definition that reads as follows:
Intelligence is a general mental function that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience. It is not just about learning from books, limited academic ability, or test-taking astuteness. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper ability to understand what is around us-"grasping" things, attributing meaning to them, or "discovering" what to do.
The definitions vary, but they have some common traits, and in almost all cases they posit intelligence as the means to solve problems. And it is from this assumption that IQ tests are born, in fact these tests consist of small problems, of different complexity, to be solved.
But we will analyze this in detail later.
How, then, is intelligence measured?
There are various types of tests for measuring IQ, but it should be clearly understood that they measure only individual aspects and not the overall intelligence of the person tested.
Over the years, a variety of tests for measuring intelligence have been developed, and several studies have also been done regarding the correlation between IQ, morbidity, mortality, and social status of parents.
Over the years, the absolute validity of these tests has been questioned and it has been concluded that:
- Intelligence is measured relative to one's own group
- Results are not valid in an absolute sense, but only in relation to individual aspects and specific sub-skills of intelligence
Thereby it is clear and well established that intellectual tests do not give an overall judgment on the person, but only on individual aspects which may be for example visual intelligence, logical abilities, propensity to solve problems and so on.
A little history on IQ tests
The first modern intelligence test was created in 1905 by French psychologist Alfred Binet together with his collaborator Théodore Simon. Together they devised an assessment system called the Binet-Simon Scale that returned a score indicating an individual's intellectual abilities and was used to identify children who would need specific help in certain school subjects.
The way the Binet-Simon scale worked was simple: questions were asked of a child of a given age and the child's mental age was assessed based on the child's ability to solve problems that the average child of his or her age was capable of solving. The Binet-Simon scale laid the foundation for subsequent intelligence tests and was modified and refined over the years.
The definition of IQ, on the other hand, was first given in 1912 by the German psychologist William Louis Stern at the University of Wroclaw who coined the term I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) defining it as the score resulting from the formula (mental age/biological age)*100. In this way the score was related to the child's age so that it compared with equal ages (as was also the case with the Binet-Simon scale).
On this basis, in 1916 there was further refinement of Alfred Binet's work by Lewis M. Terman, of Stanford University.
Terman developed tests called the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale that gave precisely a score based on the following formula: QIQ = (Biological Age/Mental Age) *100
Over the years there were several modifications and refinements until in 1939 David Wechsler developed a test also dedicated to the adult population, a test that later in 1955 became the famous Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (or WAIS). This test is among the most widely used and has undergone several revisions over the course of the has undergone several revisions until the latest version in 2008: the WAIS IV.
Let's delve into IQ Tests: The Binet-Simon Scale
The Binet-Simon scaleis a method of assessing intelligence developed by Alfred Binet and his colleague-collaborator Theodore Simon, the two developed a method for testing an individual's mental abilities, particularly of young children and youth.Alfred Binet was born in 1957 in Nice, France, to a physician father and an artist mother. With the latter, he moved to Paris where he devoted himself to studies in medicine, law and natural sciences.
He later decided to devote himself to psychology and in collaboration with his colleague Simon worked to find a tool to identify students who needed specific support to cope with their studies: thus the Binet-Simon scale was born.
Binet's Intelligence Test did not analyze the knowledge acquired through study, such as literature or mathematics, but sought to assess other types of abilities such as attention and memory.
Binet was among the first to question the absolute value of intelligence tests, this is because it is such a complex subject that it cannot be assessed with a single number. This is why Binet advised against using this test in a generalized way; his goal was to assess the mental abilities of people in the same group with similar backgrounds among them.
Let's learn more about IQ tests: The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (also called WAIS)
The intelligence test called the WAIS is among the most famous, if not the most famous, IQ tests dedicated to adults from 16 to 69 years old (69 years, 11 months and 30 days to be precise)
The embryonic version of it was created in 1939 under the name Bellevue-Weschsler Scale, a version that was later revised and refined in 1955 to become what is now known as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Several revisions have occurred over the years: in 1981 the WAIS-R, in 1997 the WAIS III, and in 2008 the WAIS IV. The revisions involve the elimination of items that are no longer current, the modification of some attribution scores, and the introduction of new subtests.
The goal of the WAIS IQ test is to assess a variety of cognitive aspects of the individual, and compared to earlier tests, such as the early Stanford- Binet qi tests, it also helps to measure nonverbal abilities. In fact, Wechsler's test is able to measure thinking skills, memory, reality examination and planning skills.
After several revisions, the version currently in use was arrived at, which is the WAIS IV. This IQ test consists of 15 total subtests, of which 10 are basic and 5 are supplementary (applicable in case we want to measure certain indicators for which further study is needed). These 15 subtests are collected into 4 macro-areas of analysis which are:
- Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
- Visual Perceptual Reasoning Index (IRP)
- Index of Working Memory (IML)
- Index of Processing Speed (IVE)
These 4 macro areas helped overcome the old division into two groups formed by Verbal IQ and Performance IQ, giving a more accurate view of an individual's cognitive functioning.
The measurement of the score is weighted according to the age of the person taking it, so as to obtain an assessment relative to one of the 9 different age groups provided.
How are IQ tests usually structured?
Each different type of test has a different structure, but usually two major types of organization can be identified:
- A large group with similar types of questions
- Different types of questions divided into different groups
This division is made on the basis of the type of tests and what is intended to be assessed, and the final scores can be generic or specific to certain areas that have been analyzed.
An important factor, in order for the results to be as true as possible, is to subject a given test to the largest number of individuals in a population, so as to define a normal distribution (Gaussian curve) and assess the individual as effectively as possible.